Thursday, July 7, 2011

From Drab to Fab: Sweatpants

So, lately I've been thinking about sweats. I got a adorable pair at Forever 21 a few days ago, and I'd like to wear them out without looking, well, drab. So, I've picked out a few tops that would take any pair of sweats from drab to fab!

My first top of choice is a bright colored v-neck tee or tank. A v-neck looks super cute with sweats, and
takes your sweats to a whole new level. You could also add a trendy necklace for a even more fab look.

Another one of the tops I picked is a bright plaid shirt. Plaid is a classic and adorable print that I love. It turns any pair of sweats into a great -and comfy- outfit. Also, I would suggest wearing a pair of Greecian-looking sandals with your outfit to complete it.

The last kind of top I've selected is a colorful tank. I think that, with sweats, its better to have a "hankerchief" cut ones to accentuate them. Try to pick one with the color of your sweats incorporated in them.
Also, I actually on the third one! It's a reallly nice top. :)
So, now that you know how to dress up your sweats, go! Put on those sweatpants in your closet and remember, it only takes a little imagination to take any item from drab to fab!
On another note, a close friend of mine has a great fashion blog! If you haven't already checked hers out, heres the adress.
Thanks! :)


  1. Hey Ali! Just wanted to say good job on the blog, it's really y good and gets better with each post! I really love the handkerchief tanks especially the 1st one!
    Your Friend(and fellow blogger),
    Ryann B.
    Oh and P.S.- thanks for mentioning me here! And just wanted to say, I live the shoe background!

  2. Thanks hun! You're suuuch a amazing girl and thanks<3 and no problemo! :)
    -Ali :D
